Musical youth subculture K-pop: characteristic features and typical representative

  • Андреева Ольга Владимировна

    Olga V. Andreeva. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Veronica I. Polnikova

    Veronica I. Polnikova. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


The article presents the results of a sociological research of the K-pop musical direction as a youth subculture, its characteristic features and typical representatives have been studied. K-pop is a relatively young but rapidly developing musical direction. Studying this popular youth subculture will allow to better understand the behavior, needs, interests, and preferences of the younger generation, that will contribute to more effective interaction with young people. The study involved 274 people. The method of sociological questioning was mainly used. As a result, it is revealed that the musical K-pop direction is characterized by obvious signs of subculture. It features specific rituals, traditions, and rules. Its value system includes the values of self-realization, aesthetics, freedom, work, and true friendship. Slang has been used. It satisfies such fans’ needs as the host society, self-love, identity formation, joint activities, creativity. A typical representative of the K-pop subculture is a student girl of 18-27 years old who prefers watching movies and TV shows, listening to music as leisure activities. Socio-psychological traits of K-pop subculture representatives are easy impressionability, sociability, tendency for reflection. Among their manifest needs are self-development, aesthetic pleasures, self-attention, and self-care. The K-pop subculture representatives are characterized by possessing a cardholder with a musician’s photo, backpacks badges, earrings, bracelets, shoppers. Neatly styled and brightly coloured hair above the shoulders, and a natural makeup with a "baby face" effect are among the distinctive features of their appearance. The K-pop subculture representatives daily view the K-pop groups’ content, learn K-pop dances and Korean language, and also copy K-pop performers’ behaviour.

Keywords: subculture, youth, musical subculture, Korean pop, hallyu, Korean wave.